Two crates full of burgers, loaded fries and red tubs of sauce

Buck’s Bar

Glasgow’s king of buttermilk fried chicken, Buck’s Bar, has decided to open up a branch in the capital and I couldn’t be happier! You’ll find the American dive bar-inspired restaurant right in the centre of town, a stone’s throw away from both the Usher Hall and The Lyceum. 

Walking in I was expecting the place to be a lot bigger. However, despite it being on the smaller side, their interior designer was clearly working overtime as they’ve managed to execute the perfect balance between fitting in enough people without breathing on each other and still giving that buzzing diner atmosphere I was looking forward to…so props to them!

Before I get into talking about the food at Buck’s Bar, I just want to note that all of their chicken is halal. As a chicken place, they do also have a very limited vegetarian vegan section too.

Exterior of Bucks bar
Interior of Bucks bar

After only a quick glance at their menu, I knew I was going to struggle to pick just one item to try. At this point, I wasn’t quite aware of how big the portion sizes would be so we ordered a small plate of classic buffalo wings (we got 4 but you could also order 8 or 12). Despite not really needing a side, I’m glad we got them because they were perfectly crispy with the meat just falling off the bone. The buffalo sauce was also a great choice and tasted as “classic” as it gets.

For the main, it was a bloomin’ hard choice but I ended up settling on the ‘Ninja’ buttermilk fried chicken burger. This came with a ginormous, hand-sized slab of juicy chicken which was topped with a tonkatsu glaze. It also came with togarashi spice, Japanese kewpie mayo, crispy onions and iceberg lettuce to add a bit of crunch. To be perfectly honest, they could have not added the lettuce and I likely wouldn’t have noticed because there was so much chicken in comparison (not complaining though, I do love a bit of lettuce on a burger).

Buck's bar sign "welcome to edin-buck"
Wooden tray filled with chicken burger, sauce in red pot and loaded fries

The burgers all come with a mountain of fries on the side but for an extra £1 I decided to upgrade to the salt and chilli chips. They tasted like your usual Chinese takeaway chips, except they were less crispy, as they were coated in Chinese 5-spice and had onion, chilli, and spring onion mixed in too. I really enjoyed the upgraded fries and would get them again!

We also ordered the ‘Buff Chick’ burger which was the same slab of chicken except it was topped with the same classic buffalo sauce from the wings, blue cheese mayo on top of some iceberg lettuce.

chicken burger from Buck's Bar
Bright orange saucy chicken wings

Although we both got burgers, there were other great options to choose from at Buck’s Bar like their chicken and waffle dishes — that’s on my radar for next time. And for those of you who like a cold pint (or cocktail!) with your chicken, they had plenty of great options to choose from so you won’t be struggling to find something up your street. 

Buck’s Bar is a super addition to the Edinburgh food scene and worth every penny! 

Disclaimer: This was a PR Invite but all views are my own.

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