Hot chocolate from Bone Fide

Bone Fide

This one’s for all of you dog owners/lovers out there. Don’t worry though, if you aren’t a pet person you may still be interested so keep on reading all about Bone Fide…

Burnt orange exterior of Bone Fide
two dogs in front of dog shop, Bone Fide

Bone Fide, formerly known as Forge and Foliage, has recently rebranded itself to be a ’s’more hot chocolate and pup cup bar’. You’ll find them just a small walk away from the Meadows in Edinburgh which makes it the perfect spot to visit if you’re already out with your fluffy companion(s). When we first walked in the lovely woman behind the counter suggested taking the dogs off the lead if we wanted to and closing the door which I thought was a nice touch. I can’t say I would have stayed for long with two dogs to control on leads in a small shop so it definitely made the experience all the better.

two dogs in dog shop
Minimal menu at Bone Fide

After doing a bit of shopping and browsing their great wee selection of non-toxic house plants and cute dog accessories, my two pups, Penny and Flo, were treated to a pup cup and pup cake. The pup cups are basically just warm milk with a big ‘ol smear of peanut butter around the top (the peanut butter is optional and you can also opt for oat milk if you wish!). Simple but effective…if you need any proof that they enjoyed it thoroughly then see the pictures attached! 

dog drinking pup cup
dog drinking pup cup

As if they weren’t spoiled enough with the pup cups, Bone Fide also had a selection of pup cakes in different sizes on display. They genuinely looked tasty enough to eat myself but I can’t say they would have gotten a good review if it was me eating them. Penny and Flo on the other hand thoroughly enjoyed them. It’s safe to say they didn’t last long before they were scoffed! 

Now for all of you pet owners and those of you who don’t have any animals, the s’mores hot chocolate is not to be slept on. You can choose from white, milk or dark chocolate and can top your hot chocolate with a giant homemade marshmallow. I went for the regular 8oz milk chocolate and couldn’t help but get a marshmallow on top as it was creme egg flavour. The lady also toasted it which immediately had me looking forward to light summer evenings, spent having a barbecue and sitting around the fire. A strong contender for being one of the best hot chocolates I’ve had in Edinburgh.

pupcake with pink icing
Dog eating pupcake

Bone Fide is a great wee spot you shouldn’t miss out on…even if you’re just visiting to try the hot chocolate and homemade marshmallows!

Note: if you are trying to get directions from apple maps, you may want to search for their old name ‘Forge and Foliage’. Alternatively, you can use the address below!

Disclaimer: This was a PR Invite but all views are my own.

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